At Dirigo Protect, we’re not interested in just getting people to “sign on the dotted line” with minimal effort. Our comprehensive 7-step process ensures that you are in control at all stages, and we only do business if and when you have a genuine need and are willing to proceed:


Understand each other: Firstly we will get to know each other, and decide together whether there’s an opportunity for Dirigo Protect to assist you.


Understand your situation: Our second step involves digging deeply into your personal and business financial situation, seeking to gain a full understanding so as to provide the best advice possible.


Identify goals: Once we fully understand your situation, we will guide you to identify your main life needs and goals, to guide our thinking in developing the best possible insurance and superannuation strategy.


Discuss proposed strategy: Having full knowledge of your current situation and goals, we will proceed to develop your strategy. Once complete, we will present and discuss our proposed strategy with you, to ensure you understand and to gain your agreement to proceed with a formal advice document.


Present Statement of Advice: If after step 4 you believe it is worthwhile to proceed, we will prepare our formal Statement of Advice, containing a full breakdown of our recommendations to you.


Implement strategies: After presentation of the Statement of Advice, we will seek your permission to proceed to execute the strategies we recommended.


Regular review: The step that many others miss. After we implement the strategies we created for you, we will regularly review them with you in order to ensure that your circumstances haven’t changed enough to warrant a review or alteration to your strategy.